Источники и вдохновляющие материалы, использованные в книге «Ахилл не носил одноразовых бахил»

  • ДОМ

«Моя диагональ – самая диагональная диагональ»

The Deep Sea.

Save the High Seas. Publications on Deep Sea Mining


«Чай: развесной, сэр!»

L.M. Hernandez et al. Plastic Teabags Release Billions of Microparticles and Nanoparticles into Tea. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2019.

Lindsay Miles. The Scandalous Plastic in Tea Bags – Who Knew?

«Меньшее из мясных зол»

P. Scarborough et al. Dietary greenhouse gas emissions of meat-eaters, fish-eaters, vegetarians and vegans in the UK. 2014.

Heinrich Boell Stiftung. Soil Atlas: Facts and figures about earth, land and fields. 2015.

World Resources Institute. Without Changing Diets, Agriculture Alone Could Produce Enough Emissions to Surpass 1.5°C of Global Warming. 2018.

«Термос или кипячение?»

Hi Tech Mail.Ru. Что экономичней: чайник или термопот? Или сколько стоит чашка чая.


Natasha M. van der Velden. LCA Benchmarking Study on Textiles Made of Cotton, Polyester, Nylon, Acryl, or Elastane. 2012.

SEI. Ecological footprint and water analysis of cotton, hemp and polyester. 2005.

Industry of All Nations.

D. LaRose. To Dye For: Textile Processing's Global Impact. 2017.


«Все новое – хорошо отремонтированное старое»

Patagonia Care & Repair.

Repair Café в Перми.

«Все ли стерпит бумага»

UNESCO-IHE. The Green and Blue Water Footprint of Paper Products: Methodological Considerations and Quantification. 2010.

Environmental Paper Network. The State of the Global Paper Industry. 2018.

S. Biedermann et al. Transfer of bisphenol A from thermal printer paper to the skin. 2010.

«Страх и ненависть в почтовом ящике»

Портал ГИС ЖКХ.

«Прощай, пакет с пакетами!»

Plastic Pollution Coalition. Legislative Data Sets & Maps. Global Plastic Pollution Legislation.

«О чем молчит бамбук»

FAO. World Bamboo Resources. 2005.

«ПВХ: на три буквы»

Center for Health, Environment and Justice. PolyVinylChloride (PVC)

J.K. Wagoner. Toxicity of vinyl chloride and poly(vinyl chloride): a critical review. 1983.

J.K. Wagoner et al. Toxicity of vinyl chloride and polyvinyl chloride as seen through epidemiologic observations. 1980.
«Страсти на кассе»

K.Bell, S. Cave. Comparison of Environmental Impact of Plastic, Paper and Cloth Bags. 2011.

«Товары без содержания первичных лесов и орангутангов»

M. Barthel et al. Study on the environmental impact of palm oil consumption and on existing sustainability standards. 2018.

M. Voigt et al. Global Demand for Natural Resources Eliminated More Than 100,000 Bornean Orangutans. Current Biology, Vol. 28, Issue 5, 2018.

WWF. Which Everyday Product Contains Palm Oil?

«Ответственное животноедство»

WWF. А вы знаете, что покупаете? Экологическое руководство для покупателей и продавцов рыбной продукции.

FAO. The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture. 2018.

Destructive Fishing Methods. A Student's Guide to Tropical Marine Biology.

FAO. A Third Assessment of Global Marine Fisheries Discards. 2019.

R. Sharker et al. Drugs and Chemicals Used in Aquaculture Activities for Fish Health Management in The Coastal Region of Bangladesh. 2014.

BBC. Is There a Problem with Salmon Farming? 2019.

«Мысли глобально, покупай локально»

S. Shahmohammadi et al. Comparative Greenhouse Gas Footprinting of Online versus Traditional Shopping for Fast-Moving Consumer Goods: A Stochastic Approach. 2020

«Не все то эко, что в зеленом»

I Am Expat. Stay Away From Bamboo Coffee Cups, German Consumer Group Warns. 2019.

Die meisten setzen hohe Mengen an Schad­stoffen frei

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